Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Kenyan Diaries: A Life of Balance

At the project there are people of many faiths. Some agnostic, atheist, Muslim, Christian and Catholic and some who just "got the faith!"

An agnostic volunteer said she believed in a higher power but she believed in a theory of balance as opposed to God controlling our lives and destiny. I began to ponder this...

Our 3rd Sunday in Nairobi and I feel a lot happier than the first weekend. I have found my balance. Back then I was fresh out of Dennis and Sarah's humble home and their struggle stories so I couldn't indulge in the expensive Hilton restaurant out of sheer guilt and the knowledge of what the money I'd spend on my meal could do for them. My mind hasn't changed and I still wouldn't waste money on overly priced food or anything excessively indulgent but I have come to understand that what we need is a life of balance.

In Nairobi we met one of my friends from university i\who is from Kenya and lives in Nairobi. Now Nairobi is very very different from the village of Thigio where we are living. There are people of all races and aside from what I saw at the Kibera slum, everyone seems pretty economically stable. Though I know appearances can be deceiving. We went to swanky cafe called Java which was as good as being in London or New York in terms of the food and the decor. But it was reasonably priced and worth every penny considering I haven't had a burger or good chips in a month!! The food situation is a madness but I thank God because we have some...and I thank God more so because we can go to Nairobi and get a pizza or burger and not eat cabbage and potato and iams! Lol! So anyway during the food (and I was seriously enjoying it!!) I realized I didn't feel guilty!

I was born into wealth in comparison to the people of Thigio. But I live in an area of 'poverty' in comparison to the estates of the filthy rich. But that's not the balance I mean. God does everything for a reason. So rather than me scolding others for choosing luxury over basics or trying to live a very basic life when you have been blessed with a comfortable one, I opt for a life of balance.

By that I mean I wont go to a overly expensive restaurant and spend like a bill on a meal because there is just no need. Special occasion or not! I can go to a nice place and eat a guilt free reasonably priced meal and have a clear conscience! So by balance I mean like I want to have one Facebook Album (so funny that that is such a normal reference now!) of me on a modest holiday soaking up the sun and showing love to God's earth and another album of me working on a meaningful development project or worthwhile protest or fundraiser. Or if I am indulgent on a bag or something, I can give just as much in love to charity. That's my balance!

I'm not going to come back home on some hype and decide to use the cold tap rather than hot and wash my clothes by hand as opposed to utilizing my blessed washing machine but I'll perhaps increase my direct debits and range of charities in order to strike that balance. Aside from wasting less and reusing more mind you.

Balance is very important. It is vital even. In all aspects of life. God teaches us through Islam that we should do everything in moderation. Don't go to ether end of the extreme. Don't live like a extravagant king but don't live like a pauper either.

And I love that I have learnt that lesson. It's the same way I have a balance of friends - some Muslim, some Christian, most black and a few others...life is about balance...it prevents ignorance and makes you a more well rounded and open person.

Love = A life of balance!

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