Sunday, 4 April 2010

Kenyan Diaries: Ambassodor for Realness!!!

So today was our first day in Nairobi city center and our first day off work! Im surprising myself everyday. I wake up first usually around 6.30am to have a cold bath...water which I fetched myself!. I don't moan that its cold as this is how the villagers live so who am I to be above it? I am being humbled and challeneged everyday. Both physically and mentally!

So here's what I jotted down during a moment of annoyance in Nairobi!

Its interesting to observe the effect this project is having on us as volunteers. I came out here to learn about myself, the world, poverty and Kenya. I came out here open to change for the better. I came here to open my eyes to the life I live sop blindly. It seems that some people dont want to embrace this experience the same way I do! Fair enough I guess. Anyway so on this Sunday we all want some good food for once. The Ugali, rice, potato's and cabbage can become really hard to stomach when you eat it everyday!But it just took me back that the first place we come to when we get to the Nairobi is the most western joint around-the Hilton hotel!

I didn't feel right being there! This isn't a holiday for me and the day before i met my host father (whom I will write about in another post) and he pointed out that the wage I earn in one day is more than he earns a month. After speaking with him at length for about 6h\ours I just couldn't sit in the Hilton and spend a weeks wages on one meal! I instead went to a nice pizza joint access the street!

I think we need to understand that we are here to embrace the Kenyan lifestyle. And not the wealthy one we see here in Nairobi but the villagers life we witness in Thigio-where we stay. This includes repetitive food, cold washes, washing clothes by hand and waling miles in rain or heat in mud. And even the outdoor pit latrines (toilets in the ground). I just felt like a spoilt brat running there so had to leave! The day before I was sitting in a core-gated iron house talking religion and poverty with my humble host family and the next day Iam where...abeg!!Growth will not allow it!! I would rather spend money on something of substance!

I did later buy my host sister a school bag and some books as she turns nine on Thursday!

Also had a brief moment of vanity that day as I only brought swag clothes out with me while others camne kitted out!!I do love my fashion so it has proven hard to strip myself of all of that but I definitely snapped out of that! I am not here to be sho sho anyway and I could care less about how fly my top is anymore anyway!!

Its alot!

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