24th May
Final full day in our village in Thigio. I'm sad to leave but so ready to return to my life. A life which I love. Amazing friends who are loving supportive and close to my heart. A family of whom I have learnt to value so much more with age. My funny big brizzle, smart allic lil sis and odd older sister! And all my extended relatives who I love and will hopefully become closer to. Family ties are hugely important. We need to keep each other close because we are eternally linked. Family should always come first. And we must be unified in that thought. Charity begins at home as my mother says.
And finally myself and my Lord. I am happy with who God has made me. I mean that in the most humble of ways as I am still growing. For as long as I can remember I have been somewhat God conscious. In my teens I was stoosh but fun loving and during womanhood I have become very confident but focused, goofy and spiritually conscious. Yesterday at the awards night I won two awards. Most stylish person and most confrontational. The former was especially nice because in week two I was texting Mary telling her I had left al my normal attire at home at the fear of being too obvious but a bunch of white people (with two blacks)is obvious anyway. I soon got over that vanity trip but it did show me that I do watch my appearance so I guess I was happy I didn't let slip with my oh so limited wardrobe! Fashion is an interest of mine in a way but its more of a natural thing. In that I don;t try and follow fashion, I just make what I like work for me. In the most modest way, though I have to work on that. At least the award meant that people noted that you can be fly and modest and Muslim all at the same time!!!
The latter award I take light heartedly. I am a confident and somewhat outspoken woman. I discovered how much I dislike bad manners, incompetence and injustice. Therefore I speak out against it as I just can't help it. To me it makes me a strong woman. After the Gakomba market incident I felt really bad as a volunteer kept telling me how scared she was of me when I got angry. I hated the idea of being so mad I scare people. So of course I still need to control my anger. But at times I held back saying what I thought in fear of sounding too domineering or something. Luckily the lovely friends I made reminded me through notes they wrote me that there is nothing wrong with speaking your mind. They gassed me up about it really. So I guess I will continue to speak up against anything I don't believe in. We need that in the world. Imma be like Rosa Parks and keep my arse on that seat! I suppose the lawyer in me likes to challenge, debate and discuss things I am passionate about. But I will irradicate the ghetto scary woman that comes out ever so often!
My alter ego 'Joan' is a bit of fun. Not to be taken seriously. My award for the latter actually said 'Alimah/Joan'! How funny! She's a goofy character from Girlfriends who people say I act like. And giving out my own awards at the awards night (The Joany's) was such a Joan thing to do!!!The pic above is of me and all the happy Joany benefactors!!!
Life from here on out won't radically change. I won't lie. I live a decent life already I think. I will 100% put my theory of balance into practice (I in fact have a powerful blog about that to write). I will spend more time outdoors, marvelling at God's creation. I will certainly read a whole lot more and watch very little t.v (it does so little for me now) and work harder than I ever have.
I intend on volunteering more and actually getting involved in politics and anything that will help make poverty, corruption and climate change history!
Most of all I will love more, God so loved me that He has led me to His perfect deen and given me a happy life. The least I can do is serve Him in love and show love to the world.
Still smiling!
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